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How is the end of March here?

    Hi Everyone! And happy almost April to you! When you're playing Minecraft with your buddy At the laundromat while the older 2 kids are at theater Reading My brown eyed kids! Owl Moon teatime! Creating moon journals, animal tracks, birds of prey, Galileo and cupcake decorating! Can you make a guess as to who is the class clown in our house: Snowy day sledding What a normal winter school day looks like. I love it. Dear kids, you have the world's best father. Through working and practices. He always comes with us. He always shows up.  Know how blessed you are to be so loved by him.  A study on the Vikings At the MOST! Thank you, Aunt Kim and Uncle Bob! Chinese New Year Building an igloo! Groundhog Day! A summer weekend Livingroom camping party inspired by this bag Eli picked up at the library: Homemade Hoagie rolls for meatball subs and banana muffins Homemade hotdog buns are so easy and delicious! Baking, Baking, Baking... what's new? Cute measuring Math craft for ...

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