This morning started out like most. From the moment I awoke my mind became busy with everything that needed to be done today. -Do the laundry, clean the living room, put all the clothes away, fix up the back room... etc. etc. etc. I was up but only a minute and already my frustration began to set in. I swear the housework is always at a halt. "It's such a mess in here..." is all I kept thinking.
Change Josie. Change Ashton. Give Ashton something to drink. Fix him breakfast. Nurse Josie. Fix a cup of coffee. Start washing the dishes. OK, is the rest of the housework ready yet? ...Not quite. Time to change more diapers. Try to get the kids occupied with something so I can work around them. NOW... it's time. Finish the dishes, clean the living room and it's already noon! Kids lay down for a nap. I do a load of laundry. Joshua comes home from school. The kids wake up. We all have lunch and we go outside.
Thank God for days like today. The wonderful reminders sent down to us that are softly humming, "do not fret the small things." Today was absolutely beautiful.
A picture perfect day with the happiest sun I have seen in a long time. I watched as my son ran around in our yard and the soft (almost) spring air filled with laughter. Finding more joy with the dirt and rocks on the ground then a Fisher Price toy could ever give him. Our sweet Josie sat on her blanket with her big yellow hood up as we watched her brother run back and forth... back and forth. You could see in her eyes she was imagining running right there with her brother. She'd start to kick her feet in excitement and laugh. So much that she'd lose her balance and fall sideways off the blanket and onto the grass.
I feel happy today.