Lots of goodbyes lately - but not the forever kind
Grandpa came to visit us at the end of the August. and it was like, "hello!" and then, "See you in May!" That's how quickly the week went by. Totally cliche... but, where does the time go?

Ashton loves his grandpa...

One Saturday morning grandpa joined us for our latest tradition. -Our early Saturday morning Farmers Market run. I couldn't help but snap a picture of the kids in their farmers market finest...

In between visits, work, sleep and school daddy always saves time to sit down and read to his sweet slice of lynnie pie and teddy mcmonster. Can I say it again? ...He's the best daddy I have ever met.

On one of grandpa's last days visiting us... we went up to visit Great (thats great, GREAT grandma to Ashton and Josie), Uncle Dick and Aunt Diane. They are such amazingly good and kind people. I feel blessed to know them. Ashton and Josie admired their garden which homed some delicious tomatoes that they use in their incredible sauce. I just have to say, you guys serve the best dinner around. ;) I feel like I have won a permanent free ticket to one of the finest restaurants in America. And this restaurant is even better than your average one. Yours is filled with lots of love, hugs, memory and goodness. What could be better?

Guess where the Basile crew is hoping to be invited this Thanksgiving? ;)

They have a yard that stretches out into the woods where turkeys roam in search of the seed they lay down for them to eat. Ashton was in constant awe. He has also become an expert feather finder and turkey chaser.

Josie practically dove into Great Great Grandmas arms. I know she knows just what a wonderful grandma she has.

This is their dog, Skippy. Pup, you're living the good life.

So, another weekend came and went and another one quickly arrived. We sat brainstorming ideas of a last summer-minute get away and we came up with Sylvan beach. What a great idea it was! With the NY state fair running the place was a ghost town. ...A happy one that is.

We ate at a restaurant that holds good memories for the both of us. and so we sat back and talked about, "remember whens" and "I'll never forget the time..." as a happy little cartoon pig smiled happily on our place mats.

Ashton resting up for the fun about to be had...

This was our first time eating out at a restaurant with out one of us staring at the quickest exit for the "just in case the kids act up" escape. Ashton napped. Josie colored. We ate. and all was right with the world. God bless this day.

and then, began the real fun...

It was so dead there that only one teenage, "I hate my summer job" -looking guy manned all of the game stations. His steps echoed as he walked across the hollow flooring and even our tiniest whispers and laughs sounded obnoxious. In the background, the soft vibrating water sounds screamed and I laughed at the sight of the sad, under worked lucky ducks. Just begging to be picked.

Our boy on his first ride... We were totally "those" parents when the little squeaky ride started up. Flashing pictures and shouting obnoxiously... "HI, ASHTON!" "YAY! ASHTON!!!" He's the one that's totally encouraging us though... the little ham.

This is his, "I'm totally going to play this cool and not smile" face.

And then he road the boat ride where he acted like a little speed racer...

Ashton being a stuntman and deciding to sit in the plane backwards on his first time on.

On our way out we took a quick ride on the t-rex and decided that it's no fun playing in the sandy park on windy days. We had the red eyes to prove it.

Ah, Kiddieland. We'll be the ones arriving next year at the end of the summer as we awkwardly laugh at the quiet you bring.

The day didn't end with Kiddieland. Oh, no. We decided to stop at Zems for some icecream and we happily accepted the fact that there was a way awesome train on site and a fully stocked arcade room. And the fact that my sister and her fiance decided to join with my beautiful niece, Jenna.

The next day we celebrated my niece's birthday at the restaurant. It was a bit strange and sad going back to the place I grew up but I left happy at the knowing my pretty niece had a wonderful birthday. ...and it really was.

The place was dripping with memory. Down to the old brick-laid path that used to make my cheeks tickle from the vibration when we'd roller blade in the south garden.

We played pin the tail on the donkey and Ashton came out the champion!

Josie's was a close call too though...

Then it was time for the tinkerbell pinata...

I keep making these crayon bags like it's my job...

That night we had what may be one of the last fires of the summer season.
and I blinded everyone with an obnoxiously bright flash.
Teddy is ALL about trains lately...

And Wyatt has survived his first month living with two toddlers...

Labor day.

Family and barbecue... just the way Labor day should be!

Saying goodbye to summer has been quite easy, really. And, don't get me wrong, summer has it's perks with all of it's excitement and life. But I just really love the fall. I love when the cooler air sets in and feeling the warmth the oven can bring on a crisp fall day. I love the smell of fall leaves and the scents of apple crisp and white bread baking in the oven. I love slowing down again to enjoy the comforts of home. The fall wind blows us even closer together. Gathered around our old wooden table. Crafts and big dinners just because. We're welcoming this season with arms open wide.

Ashton's impeccable artist expression...

Even mommy loves her crafting at fall time. I am so proud of this dress I made for Josie... (too bad it's very summer-like!)

I love the farmers market in the fall. Decorated with apples and pumpkins and fall bouquets. and I am such a lucky lady to have a husband like mine to pick me up my very own...

and, oh! the apples... I don't even have to travel the world to know that NY has the finest apples around.

The kids love all the new life outside. The birds prepping to head south, The leaves dancing in color, and the crazy lawn mower guy that drives around with his old dog on his lap while he quietly nods to the kids as he drives by... Stuff is beautiful...

Lazy on a fall-ish kind of day...

and back to the crafts...er... masterpieces!

My little baking helper. Quiz him on baking sometime... 'kid will set out the flour, sugar, brown sugar etc. etc. the moment you tell him it's baking time! I'm gleaming with pride.

Ashton's bread came out delicious
The aroma even woke daddy up!

Finally, Allisons big birthday at the Chuck e Cheese. I will let the pictures speak for themselves...

the birthday girl in the ticket blower...

(I wanted to capture so much more but walking into chuck e cheese at nap time with two toddlers is quite a task I have learned!)
Any way, I hope you all are doing good and I am sending much love your way. God bless. -Jessica

Ashton loves his grandpa...
One Saturday morning grandpa joined us for our latest tradition. -Our early Saturday morning Farmers Market run. I couldn't help but snap a picture of the kids in their farmers market finest...
In between visits, work, sleep and school daddy always saves time to sit down and read to his sweet slice of lynnie pie and teddy mcmonster. Can I say it again? ...He's the best daddy I have ever met.
On one of grandpa's last days visiting us... we went up to visit Great (thats great, GREAT grandma to Ashton and Josie), Uncle Dick and Aunt Diane. They are such amazingly good and kind people. I feel blessed to know them. Ashton and Josie admired their garden which homed some delicious tomatoes that they use in their incredible sauce. I just have to say, you guys serve the best dinner around. ;) I feel like I have won a permanent free ticket to one of the finest restaurants in America. And this restaurant is even better than your average one. Yours is filled with lots of love, hugs, memory and goodness. What could be better?
Guess where the Basile crew is hoping to be invited this Thanksgiving? ;)
They have a yard that stretches out into the woods where turkeys roam in search of the seed they lay down for them to eat. Ashton was in constant awe. He has also become an expert feather finder and turkey chaser.
Josie practically dove into Great Great Grandmas arms. I know she knows just what a wonderful grandma she has.
This is their dog, Skippy. Pup, you're living the good life.
So, another weekend came and went and another one quickly arrived. We sat brainstorming ideas of a last summer-minute get away and we came up with Sylvan beach. What a great idea it was! With the NY state fair running the place was a ghost town. ...A happy one that is.
We ate at a restaurant that holds good memories for the both of us. and so we sat back and talked about, "remember whens" and "I'll never forget the time..." as a happy little cartoon pig smiled happily on our place mats.
Ashton resting up for the fun about to be had...
This was our first time eating out at a restaurant with out one of us staring at the quickest exit for the "just in case the kids act up" escape. Ashton napped. Josie colored. We ate. and all was right with the world. God bless this day.
and then, began the real fun...
It was so dead there that only one teenage, "I hate my summer job" -looking guy manned all of the game stations. His steps echoed as he walked across the hollow flooring and even our tiniest whispers and laughs sounded obnoxious. In the background, the soft vibrating water sounds screamed and I laughed at the sight of the sad, under worked lucky ducks. Just begging to be picked.
Our boy on his first ride... We were totally "those" parents when the little squeaky ride started up. Flashing pictures and shouting obnoxiously... "HI, ASHTON!" "YAY! ASHTON!!!" He's the one that's totally encouraging us though... the little ham.
This is his, "I'm totally going to play this cool and not smile" face.
And then he road the boat ride where he acted like a little speed racer...
Ashton being a stuntman and deciding to sit in the plane backwards on his first time on.
On our way out we took a quick ride on the t-rex and decided that it's no fun playing in the sandy park on windy days. We had the red eyes to prove it.
Ah, Kiddieland. We'll be the ones arriving next year at the end of the summer as we awkwardly laugh at the quiet you bring.
The day didn't end with Kiddieland. Oh, no. We decided to stop at Zems for some icecream and we happily accepted the fact that there was a way awesome train on site and a fully stocked arcade room. And the fact that my sister and her fiance decided to join with my beautiful niece, Jenna.
The next day we celebrated my niece's birthday at the restaurant. It was a bit strange and sad going back to the place I grew up but I left happy at the knowing my pretty niece had a wonderful birthday. ...and it really was.
The place was dripping with memory. Down to the old brick-laid path that used to make my cheeks tickle from the vibration when we'd roller blade in the south garden.
We played pin the tail on the donkey and Ashton came out the champion!
Josie's was a close call too though...
Then it was time for the tinkerbell pinata...
I keep making these crayon bags like it's my job...
That night we had what may be one of the last fires of the summer season.
Teddy is ALL about trains lately...
And Wyatt has survived his first month living with two toddlers...
Labor day.
Family and barbecue... just the way Labor day should be!
Saying goodbye to summer has been quite easy, really. And, don't get me wrong, summer has it's perks with all of it's excitement and life. But I just really love the fall. I love when the cooler air sets in and feeling the warmth the oven can bring on a crisp fall day. I love the smell of fall leaves and the scents of apple crisp and white bread baking in the oven. I love slowing down again to enjoy the comforts of home. The fall wind blows us even closer together. Gathered around our old wooden table. Crafts and big dinners just because. We're welcoming this season with arms open wide.
Ashton's impeccable artist expression...
Even mommy loves her crafting at fall time. I am so proud of this dress I made for Josie... (too bad it's very summer-like!)
I love the farmers market in the fall. Decorated with apples and pumpkins and fall bouquets. and I am such a lucky lady to have a husband like mine to pick me up my very own...
and, oh! the apples... I don't even have to travel the world to know that NY has the finest apples around.
The kids love all the new life outside. The birds prepping to head south, The leaves dancing in color, and the crazy lawn mower guy that drives around with his old dog on his lap while he quietly nods to the kids as he drives by... Stuff is beautiful...
Lazy on a fall-ish kind of day...
and back to the crafts...er... masterpieces!
My little baking helper. Quiz him on baking sometime... 'kid will set out the flour, sugar, brown sugar etc. etc. the moment you tell him it's baking time! I'm gleaming with pride.
Ashton's bread came out delicious
The aroma even woke daddy up!
Finally, Allisons big birthday at the Chuck e Cheese. I will let the pictures speak for themselves...
the birthday girl in the ticket blower...
(I wanted to capture so much more but walking into chuck e cheese at nap time with two toddlers is quite a task I have learned!)
Any way, I hope you all are doing good and I am sending much love your way. God bless. -Jessica