This Autumn...

Stop and take the time to celebrate life...

We celebrated my nephew Robys 6th birthday

Find beauty in the simple things...

Feel no shame in acting a bit strange...

Spend a day just breaking in those warm and toasty pajamas...

Bake, Bake, Bake...

Take the time out to enjoy a rich cup of hot chocolate and warm pumpkin bread with someone you love...

Get your craft on...

We made bags to collect our fall leaves in

Spend time enjoying the outdoors at home...

Stretch a blanket across the cool, fall grass and celebrate dinner outdoors just because...

Unleash the free-spirited child within you...

"Look at the love that lies deep within you,
Let yourself be! Let yourself be!
Look at the gifts you have been given.
Let them go free! Let them go free!
Let them go free! Let them go free!"

"Bloom where you are planted"

And, just for giggles sake, put 'em up part-nah!



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