He's growing up.

Ashton had his end of the school year, preschool picnic last week. We went to Mrs. Maum's yellow house and we explored her beautiful yard. We had hot dogs and chips. and played a water game.

I can't even explain to you how much he loves his teacher. she's a celebrity in our family.

and he really adores his friends. I love how he loves.

One of his best buddies, Eric. (Who is also our neighbor). A lot of conversations begin and end with the name, "air-wick" lately.


We had a day of cousins on Saturday.

It is quite the difficult task to get 5 cousins to all look at the camera at the same time.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

Exhibit C.

Exhibit D.

So, you give up and try two at a time.

We had a sun shower that afternoon that didn't last very long. When it was easing a bit, I captured the kids as they played in the puddles and mud.


I love how Ashton has a big handful of mud he's about to throw at his unknowing cousin, Roby.

After all of the mud, we ran through our makeshift sprinkler. I guess it's not always a bad thing when your hose springs a leak.

The sky was beautiful that night.

*insert the sound of over a thousand crickets chirping here.*

After church on Sunday, we prepped our garden for the seeds and plants we are putting in the ground this week.

Ashton was quite determined to gather every last worm and grub he could find

Grandpa, Mema and Ri Ri's stopped by for an afternoon barbecue too.

and the kids continued to have fun in the dirt after dinner.

Ashton's last day of school is on Thursday and we'll be off to Maine on Friday for the Memorial day weekend. I hope you all have fun! Summer vacation! Woo hooo!

xoxo, Jessie


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