
"Trees" By Ashton S. Basile
A tree is big and tall
and it doesn't sound like anything.
Unless it has animals in it.
It could have monkeys.
If I was up in a tree,
squirrels would probably bite me.
Those squirrels are wild animals you know.
Trees are big walls.
They protect us.
Their leaves clean the air.
Trees have 100 sap.
We are living next to sap trees.

* School is complete * Tee-ball is over * Summer is here! *

I feel like I have so much I want to write about right now. -Life with 4, school at home, my kids, family. Life is full and busy lately. It's been hard to focus.

The quiet moments are found late at night with a nursing baby. Filled with thoughts and prayers. Eli's sweet resting eyes. His wee hand wrapped around my finger. Whispering; Lord, I hope we are doing ok.

Currently, Eli is on my lap and two kids are watching The Smurfs. Liam is napping. The kids have been in and out of the pool all day.

I hope things are good with you too.

My brother and his family are back in the United States after living in Germany for 3 years!

I can't even express how good it was to hug you guys again. I love you. xoxo, hugs. hugs. hugs. We can't wait to see you again.

Bonfire with friends

Searching for the waterfall at Pratts Falls

Clarks Reservation

Playing in the turtle "pool" at Moo's

Uncle Joely found a frog for the kids

Eli can currently reach for things, roll over, smile and laugh. I love everything about him.

I love everything about them.

Picnic at Sullivan Park

Fun at home in the yard

Ashton's final tee ball game of the season

because it's a funny memory... drinking another capri sun

-Off to start dinner and to begin round 5 of swimming fun in the kiddie pool-

xoxo, Jessie


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