28 things I love about right now (in no particular order)
1. My baby
2. My toddler and two kids. Always my babies.
3. My husband and I live to be near eachother.
4. God gave me an optimistic heart
5. And a love for writing
6. And compassion.
7. The feeling that comes after grocery shopping when all of our cabinets and fridge are full.
8. Christmas
9. Cooking
10. Breaking bad
11. The understanding of the importance of this.
12. Dunkin donuts decaf kcups. Probably the closest thing I'll ever get to real coffee again.
13. My blog
14. Playing guitar
15. Pictures
16. Big, unrushed breakfasts on weekend mornings with the whole family.
17. New clothes
18. Long showers
20. Conversation with my babies
21. Dates with Josh
22. Friends who are family
23. Hugging
24. Being outside and appreciating each season
25. I'm still young and I've been able to live so much
26. Libraries
27. Cats
28. Laughing
It's been another year around the sun and I am so grateful.
Xoxo, jessie