
I made my first blog when I was about 14 years old and new to the internet. I can't remember what I posted about aside from a silly playlist of sad songs and sugar skull gifs... but I know that I never really expected this hobby of mine to become something that I would have fun with now for 17+ years!

...Flashing it back to one of the first pictures I posted on THIS blog. Before I was officially a homeschooling mama and before the thought even crossed my mind. It's funny how God knows our hearts before we do. I am so glad.

Eli running to the front door, "Mom! Mom! Look! ...It's not venomous!"

Josie's fairy village

Ryder park... it took me a moment to even remember where we were here!

Our own Coyote Peterson

We are going to miss Liam's teeball games!

Filling up the pool

Off to the zoo with the sunglasses crew!

I was this close to an owl ***All the heart eyes***

I mean... come on. Meerkat Babies!!! I can't even.

More pool pictures. You will probably see a lot of these this summer. I can't help it.

At the creek

More swimming.

A rare chilly day at the farm!

A sleepover with Ben and Matthew

End of sleepover. hehe.

Eating an entire watermelon in one sitting

Fathers day!




And a foof-a-noogin

The very first time I went over to Josh's house, he let me borrow this book. I guess it's about time to give it back. ;)

Dinosaur Party at the library

I love looking at the things my kids make. It never gets old.

This never gets old either.

Josh and I found this at the library! We actually ended up staying up late and eating the good marshmallow cereal while we watched a bunch of episodes. I don't care if you judge us. It was the best. night. ever.

We love this little bunny of ours

The attack of the baby toads! We literally saw HUNDREDS at Mt. Hope. They were EVERYWHERE. So much, we got sick of putting them in the bucket!

Such a fun little spot to explore

The frog's face says it all here.

We have a new fishing addiction. So much fun!

Baby Peter eating a Megazord

Stray cat

More fishing

I love finding a random picture of some random dinner or dessert I made. I can't even remember what this is. But look at it!

Ashton's dresser. Because I always want to remember.

My sweet girl.

What Boots does when she is hungry.

Our little camp set up one day

More food

More food

More food. What am I even doing?

Hey, look! More fishing.

He sleeps with Minnie Mouse every night. So. Stinkin. Cute. He won her at an Easter Egg hunt this year.

Another day, Another playground

The kids painted rocks at the library and hid them around the elementary school

Josie and Catalina

Pirate and Princess party at the library

Another cool playground

I debated on putting these here. That is all.

Rainy day

Making slime

andddd more fishing!

Another beautiful afternoon

That night, we came home and made 4 different boxes of macaroni and cheese. We cast our votes for the one we thought would be the best

...and Kraft won! Annie's came in 2nd. We thought this would be a cool tradition each month. We are thinking we will try 4 different frozen pizzas next time.

Hannah came over to hang out with us last week! I love this girl.

A campfire with friends

Liam's last game

Ben's birthday!

Eli partying it up!

A typical morning.

Fun at the creek on a 100 degree day!

These 2 are in a fun park program twice a week this summer! It is for one hour every Tuesday and Thursday and they sing songs, play games, make crafts, hear stories and have a snack. As you can see here, Eli has just finished his juice box and the sugar is morphing him into John Cena.

Cute little first projects from the park program

Both the kids and I are apart of the summer reading programs at the library too! I am so excited about it all.

I have started prepping for the next school year. Seriously, I got myself so excited about it... I felt like I needed a nap afterward!

Making slime all the time!

She squeezed the glue and the cap stuck to her head!!

Swimming. again. and again. and again

Josie said this is her America shirt


4th of July!

There you have it!

I will talk to you all soon. I hope you are enjoying the start of your summer! If you need me, I am here. I love you. You are loved!

xoxo, Jessie


William Brasky said…
Perfect! Those desserts and such were amazing!
Mom said…
I agree! You and your family are amazing! What a great summer you are having.
Billie Jo said…
Looks as if you are having a wonderful, fun filled summer!
I would love to know more about those desserts!
Amy said…
Such Summer! I love it! =D

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