Creeks and frogs

watch the clouds go by on a summer day. / Susan Branch

Our Summer - (So far)

Celebrating Ben's 11th Birthday!

The kids swam as Uncle Jim lit off fireworks

Summer magic show at the library! Liam was chosen to be an assistant :)

Many days spent swimming at the creek with friends (A month at the creek in many pictures)

Last day of teeball

We redid the floor in the hallway and laundry area

and the kitchen

After we finished the kitchen floor, we ordered pizza!

(We were still moving things back into the kitchen)

The bathroom isn't entirely finished (a lot of what we have to do left is painting) but we are getting there! (If you saw the before of this, you'd know we had a rotting floor in our bathroom!)

Another thing I never want to forget.

The older 3 kids attend a park day twice a week ...and while they are there, Eli and I run errands and spend time at the library and pond. Eli enjoys taking his time to check out the toy section at Walmart on our store-dates.

Slip and slide!

A 4th of July Stranger Things party

A weekend with friends


Making a sprinkler

Mall Pretzels!

Fishing days

Saturday pizza nights

and icecream!

More fishing and finding frogs

More creek things!


Back in March, I had surprised Josh with tickets to see Weird Al! We were so excited when the day had finally come! It was honestly the best concert we'd ever been to! It was so funny and we had such a great time. What made it especially cool is that they had an entire orchestra.

The next day, the kids found the coolest moth while they were outside.

Swimming at Stephs

He drives Boots crazy but when he sleeps, she protects him!


Ashton started Piano lessons at the beginning of the summer. So far, he loves it!

We went to see the Lion King!


Trying to cool off!

They are reading "Dork Diaries" and I think that's cute.

Brothers and electronics

Another hot day catching frogs

Another day at the creek

Another frog day at the pond while the older kids were at Park day. It's all he wants to do. I'm not kidding!

A birthday dinner for Josh!

Jumping off Uncle Jim's boat!

Summer is tiring

Meeting Moo and Grandpa Matt's new puppy

1st day back to Soccer!

Josie Lynn's 10th Birthday!!!!!!!

Her most wanted gift: A WIG!

For breakfast, she asked for "a fruit cup"

Josie really wanted to make slime!

Going out on Uncle Jim's boat after

Tired Birthday girl. We love her more than words.

….And that is all for now! I will be back next week to share more summer pictures :)

xoxo, Jessie


Carrie said…
I absolutely love all the pictures! Looks like y’all are having an amazing summer. Happy belated birthday Josh and Josie!!!
Miss talking to you J, hope all is well. Love Carrie and Marley. ❤️
Amy said…
So much summer! I am so jealous! :D You guys did such an amazing job on your renovations! It looks spectacular! Looks like Josie had a great birthday <3 and Josh too :D

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