Hello, Everyone! It has been so beautiful out lately. The kids have finished 100% of their schoolwork for the year! And this coming summer is already filled up with a lot of fun and exciting days to look forward to.
We plan on painting the outside of our home sometime in the coming weeks!
Boots has been appreciating this weather too!
Cute and cuddly things
From my first batch of sourdough English Muffins!
More cuddly things!
I really love home.
Knitted slipper socks for my mom for Mother's Day
My kitchen cupboard is home to my sourdough starter collection
Black knitted slipper socks!
Chicken Fajita night
I'm not sure if this information would be useful to anyone - but years ago, I discovered that letting the lasagna noodles set in a pan of water while I make my sauce would allow them to soften just right for baking. It works perfectly every time! I often just have them set in the same casserole dish I use to assemble the lasagna. So, no extra boiling pot needed!
Our little Pizza Garden! I have since transferred them to larger pots outside.
Shopping for Mother's Day flowers!
Golfing cousins!
Mother's day brunch! I made Cinnamon rolls
An Egg Casserole
a Hashbrown casserole
and toasted Sourdough English Muffins!
Just being silly.
Liam is a good teacher
Josh found these vintage M&M lights for me for Christmas time. I remember hanging these up in our dining room... and how happy they'd make my brother and I each year.
Neighborhood Soccer games
The Slime Making Queen
All the shifting weather days of May
Finding a geocache from last summer
Baseball is back! They were excited to pick out colorful socks
Because I thought this was so cute. Eli is a Star Wars guy.
Liam is a big reader, just like his big brother
At Green Lakes
Oh, the kids. Our yard is always filled with them.
Mowing Grandma and Grandpa's lawn
Finishing up school work
Planting strawberries
What my dog does if I'm in the backyard without her
A really neat book set I found for our next school year - at Ollie's!
They also had this really neat series of classic books. I always have to be careful to not buy all the books!!!!!!
A Friday night out - Applebees, books and the park.
More bracelet selling business!
More baseball!
All ready for summer!
Sundays at Moo and Grandpa's!
Josie simply calls them "The Brothers"
We've had a rollercoaster of a time with one of the neighborhood kids in the past 6 years or so. From breaking our door a few years ago, to jumping off the top of our van. He can be a bit of a handful at times. Josh and I have had plenty of days of frustration and straight up anger towards his behavior in the past.
I caught Josh teaching him to play catch the other day...
And fixing his bike. It really is so important to remember that we are all here for a reason. To show love and grace whenever and wherever we can. Even when it's difficult. Children are so important.
It's so fun watching them on the same team!
At the end of each game, the kids lift their hats to one another
"Good Game"
Back to the Creek thanks to some 80+ degree days!
Icecream on a trampoline!
My little homeschoolers
Creek Day 2
Early Saturday morning. Things I want to always remember.
Sunday Baseball practice
Sunday nights are family movie nights!
This little kitchen has seen a lot of life over the years
Josie was so excited to buy a mermaid tail with her lawn mowing money!
Our lunchtime read aloud, beginning a knitted blanket with yarn I found at the thrift store and more bread!
When it's too hot to sits in the window!
When Liam completed his grammar program, he broke down in tears after he read this! He really takes after his mom with his sensitive heart. It's no fair we also just completed the chapter in Little House where Jack the family dog, passes away. A lot of tears about the dogs we've read about this week!
To cheer him up, we found him a stuffed dog that looks just like Beowulf, the Grammar book dog!
Evening Pokemon trading on the porch!
Showing off his bat at baseball last night
This happened. I thought my baby wearing days were over!!!
At the creek this morning, before the storm
Alright! That does it for me! Off to make dinner. I love you all.