"In the summer time when the weather is fine..."

Hey Guys!

Boy, can you tell summer is here lately. Temperatures have been in the high 80's-90's and these past few days we've been dancing in the rain... err.... dancing under the water hose. And so we danced...

Even Boots has been trying to catch some breeze (with no luck) out the opened back door.

Here we are in the family pool.

After laughing about this for 20 minutes I couldn't help but share... Here is me prepping for a major cannonball the night of our family swim...

Kisses to a wonderful summery night and lovely summer traditions like water hoses and family swims...

Turn back 14 pages (or more) in our book and we'll get back to the day we went strawberry picking. The skies were dark and the rain fell without rest. However, we were so determined no amount of precipitation could stop us. So, we went to the first local farm...

The field was so wet and muddy we decided to give their store a try. I think Josie knew it was a bad decision...

The sad, few baskets sat upon a huge shelf in all their overly priced - last of the pickings glory.

And so we went on to the next farm. but, before we left... we of course made sure to say hello to the ducks...

and the goats

We drove down the road and pulled in to another farm. but not much to say about that one. They didn't even sell strawberries.

"Cues the wa wa waaaaaaaa"

But at last, we did find our winning farm...

With each strawberry find Teddy, of course, had to go show Gramoo.

and the day ended with these...

...scrumptious and well worth the pickin'!

The next day was Benjamins 2nd birthday. The most perfect party thrown for the most handsome blue eyed blond haired boy I ever did see.

And, it's hard to believe in two years we went from this...

to this...

Ashton was lovin' on that cake...

A birthday well done!

We love you little guy

Last weekend was filled with more happy moments. The kind that can make your heart skip a beat like the first time you ever laid eyes on your first bike. ...Beautiful.
because what would summer be without a bike?
And, with recent potty training success, we certainly love rewards!
especially bike sized ones.

4th of July began with freshly picked blueberries and the wearing of celebratory red whites and blues.

We celebrated with grandma and grandpa up at camp

Daddy even let Teddy drive the golf cart
Kids' a better driver than his mamaWe brought in the night running barefoot in the grass. Sporting our pjs and listening to Billy Joel music echoing from the camp next door.

"Don’t waste your money on a new set of speakers, You get more mileage from a cheap pair of sneakers. Next phase, new wave, dance craze, anyways, It´s still rock and roll to me."

As night fell, we sat around the fire and watched the fireworks light up the sky and mirror themselves all around the lake.

we went to bed with two happy littles who happened to wake up, horrified, to the scary "boom booms" heard outside their window.

The next day we went up to Old McDonald's farm. ...It's a real place, I swear to God.
I don't remember a camel in the song...
...Or an Alpaca

We went on a Wizard of Oz hayride where we fed Dorthy's pigs and cows.
We also got to see Santa's reindeer in the Christmas barn.
and we got to hang out in the goats' pad

We returned to camp for another afternoon of fun.

Last but certainly not least, (for this blog any way)... Teddy reads to his baby sister most every night. We watch as their sweet little fingers point to each photo and Teddy tells his Lynnie lou what each photo is. Tightly gripping onto his book with eyes lit up and fidgety feet kicking in excitement for what the next page will hold.

More to come next week. Our family is in town and the visit isn't over yet! :)

xoxo, Jessica


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