Smiling tonight.

I love my family.

My sweet nieces and nephews. My sisters. My brothers. Moo and Matt. Every crazy, fun-loving, amazing one of them. Are we perfect? No. But that doesn't matter. I hear the Beatles playing in the background already... "Love is all you need..." ...And we certainly have that. A whole lot of it.

My brother and his family were here from Georgia and my sister and her boyfriend came from Ohio. ...And where do you think we all decided to go? Chittenango Falls. I guess it's turning out to be a bit of a tradition with us lately. ...Family comes... bbq at the falls. You get the idea.

So, we stopped at the grocery store and filled our carts with all the essentials. Pasta Salad, Potato Salad, Chips, Soda, Hotdogs, Hamburgers, an overly priced bowl of fruit, sugar cookies and Hannah Montanta themed cupcakes. ...because that's how we roll.

Being with family is the epitome of happiness to me. Seeing my siblings. Watching our children play and interact together. Laughing at old times and jokes that most others would probably not even find funny. Because it's fun to not take life so seriously. We're good at that I think.

And so we enjoyed our day...

Jennasis Danielle & Josie Lynn

Oh, and in case you were wondering... the Hannah Montanta cupcakes were deeeeelicious.

There is something so sweet about seeing a little boy in his training pants looking at a waterfall. It's common-place, right?

We all gathered together on Sunday and had another bbq at moms. Just like the good ole' days.

On Friday night we all decided to go to a baseball game. So we put on our hats and away we went... (thank you, matt)

Check out Ashton hugging his cousin Abi

On Sunday night we finally had to say good bye. So, in Wysocki tradition... you can't have a get together without a pizza. It's a must. and maybe a jump on a trampoline. ...that's a new one.

I am blessed to have you all.

In the meantime we've been enjoying summery things...
Like, picnics...



Wagon rides...


Pool inflatables...

and lots of other laid-back summer sweetness...

xoxo, Jessica


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