the best job in the world
I love being a mom.
but really, I think you can take every beautiful, meaningful, touching word in our english language and you still wouldn't come close to the description of just how deeply I love being a mother.
Boiling diapers on the stove.
I never knew how madly in love I could fall for life until I held my own swaddled infant in my young arms just 4 and a half half years ago today.
I was 20 years old and didn't know what the heck I was doing. I needed to be taught everything. but I was so ready for the challenge.
I always knew I wanted a big family. I always knew something inside of me said I was born to be a mama. but until those very first moments of holding a swaddled newborn in my arms I couldn't really, deeply know.
..but I do know now.
my heart was totally made for this.
I have spent the past 4 years tending to crying babies, rocking them back to sleep, introducing first foods and helping along first steps. I have cried hard, long cries... I have laughed good, long laughs. We have celebrated 1st birthdays and holidays.
I have figured out the best ways to put on a prefold diaper and the best positions to burp a new born. I have found favorite laundry detergents and favorite smelling baby shampoos. I have learned how to buckle and unbuckle a babies carseat in seconds.
My arms are stronger from comforting my children and playing games like airplane and superman. I am 35 pounds bigger after 3 long pregnancies, hour long nursing sessions that have left me feeling starved and discovering my love for baking with my children.
At times, I have been tired, sad and angry. I have had days where I failed.
and I have had days where I have reigned victorious. I have felt proud of myself.
I have learned so much.
I have so much more to learn.
With all this being said,
I love being a mom.
I love being their mama.
Picture yourself standing arms out wide in a wispy field that runs as far as the eye can see... hugged tightly by the warm rising sun. the air is soft. hair blowing. your fingertips can almost touch the breeze as if it were caressing the delicate cheeks of new life. heart filled with all the love in the world. Knowing you just had the single best day of your whole entire life
...Can you see it?
My first Mother's Day as a mama of 3.
but really, I think you can take every beautiful, meaningful, touching word in our english language and you still wouldn't come close to the description of just how deeply I love being a mother.
Boiling diapers on the stove.
I never knew how madly in love I could fall for life until I held my own swaddled infant in my young arms just 4 and a half half years ago today.
I was 20 years old and didn't know what the heck I was doing. I needed to be taught everything. but I was so ready for the challenge.
I always knew I wanted a big family. I always knew something inside of me said I was born to be a mama. but until those very first moments of holding a swaddled newborn in my arms I couldn't really, deeply know.
..but I do know now.
my heart was totally made for this.
I have spent the past 4 years tending to crying babies, rocking them back to sleep, introducing first foods and helping along first steps. I have cried hard, long cries... I have laughed good, long laughs. We have celebrated 1st birthdays and holidays.
I have figured out the best ways to put on a prefold diaper and the best positions to burp a new born. I have found favorite laundry detergents and favorite smelling baby shampoos. I have learned how to buckle and unbuckle a babies carseat in seconds.
My arms are stronger from comforting my children and playing games like airplane and superman. I am 35 pounds bigger after 3 long pregnancies, hour long nursing sessions that have left me feeling starved and discovering my love for baking with my children.
At times, I have been tired, sad and angry. I have had days where I failed.
and I have had days where I have reigned victorious. I have felt proud of myself.
I have learned so much.
I have so much more to learn.
With all this being said,
I love being a mom.
I love being their mama.
Picture yourself standing arms out wide in a wispy field that runs as far as the eye can see... hugged tightly by the warm rising sun. the air is soft. hair blowing. your fingertips can almost touch the breeze as if it were caressing the delicate cheeks of new life. heart filled with all the love in the world. Knowing you just had the single best day of your whole entire life
...Can you see it?
...the love is kind of like that.
Oh, love.
How I love being a mom.
Oh, love.
How I love being a mom.
"It's not only children who grow. Parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours. I can't tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it, myself." -Joyce Maynard
mama jessie