Catching up on our last two weeks

Hello, Friends!

It's officially summer vacation over here!!!

We've added even more to-do's to our list since this photo was taken.

Ashton had his end of the year class field trip to Mrs. Maum's yellow house.

and he also had his end of the year school presentation

-A job well done!

(He found the Megazord he has wanted soooo badly in the back of daddy's car afterward)

Ashton loves his Megazord so much he,

-sings him to sleep

-And... *ahem* ..."feeds him"


Any way!

After the presentation, we spent time with Aunt Ri Ri

Our first trip to Zems of the season!

I am loving the summer-esque night drives

We had a park play date with some good friends

Liam's first trip to Green Lakes

We've had stormy days with lost power where the kids reach for their raincoats faster then I can place Liam in his Moby wrap

...What can I say?! Kids and puddles...

Card games by cloudy afternoon sunlight

Soup compliments rainy weather so well, I think.

Roasted Red Pepper Soup, Delish.

We've had a good stretch of hot, sunny days as well

Liam catching some sun by the opened back door

The kids have been living in their pool. Living.

We've enjoyed other summery things like,



-Visits from the icecream man!


-and s'mores

We spent our Memorial Day in thankfulness to be able to just be.

My picnic favorites...

-Potato salad

-and Macaroni and cheese -The crock pot recipe... Our absolute favorite ;)

Our sweet Liam is officially...

His 2 month milestones include- smiling up a storm, cooing, sleeping for longer periods of time and rolling over.

He is just as sweet as can be.

...brothers ;)

Enjoy the rest of your May.

See you in June!!



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