A letter to the kids

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As I sit here currently, the smell of the lilacs in full bloom has completely taken over our backyard. Ashton and Josie are playing together in the garden and Liam is taking his nap.

The sound of heavy traffic is in the distance and the lightest breeze makes the warming sun hopeful.
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The last time uncle Johnny came to visit, he told me you were a very thoughtful kid. Someone who always asks questions but sincerely cares about the answer. ...I wanted to write this down so I could remember to tell you one day. I wanted you to know that you are one of the most thoughtful little boys I have ever known.
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and Liam? Mommy's friend Abby once told me, "he is such a capable little fellow!" ...Something about your will, your light and your spirit. You are my capable little guy.
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Sweet Josie, most times you are described with your very own name. You are original and unique and how beautiful you are! "Oh, Josie. Just Josie. That's Josie!" My girl.
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Lately, the back door stays open all afternoon. The yard becoming our family room.
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Dear Ashton, Josie and Liam,
My hope for you is that you can lead simple lives full of love. Give and be thankful for each moment you are given. Thank God always.
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Always be there for each other. Look out for one another. I trust that you will.
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Never get too caught up in all the messy hustle of this world. Life will be so much richer, so much sweeter, if you live each day thinking,"what can I do for this world?" instead of the thought that goes something like, "what can this world do for me?" We are here to help one another. Give as much as you can, as often as you can. Let your life be a living testament of God's love.

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Never forget, we were all made for a purpose. ...Our own beautifully unique purposes. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Our own talents and gifts. Use them in any way you can to bring more beauty and joy into this world. God will give you direction when you need it. Trust Him.
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Don't feel sad if you don't always fit in with everyone. Being you in a world where so many fall behind a leader, can be one of the hardest things a human being can do as they grow. You will always come out a stronger person if you embrace your you-ness. You were born to be you. You're beautiful that way.

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Do not let any hurt in your life drag you down. At least, not for too long. Life will continue to roll on and it's best to continue to move along with it. The best direction to go is forward. God will be your guiding light through the darkest tunnels. Grab his hand and have trust that he'll lead you through the darkness safely. He always will. He always does. I promise.
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Daddy and I wish we could protect you from ever being hurt. But the fact of life is, you will be hurt. Remember, it's not about what hurt you that matters. It's about what you do and where you go from there. You can inspire and change things for the better. Please know that you will always be covered in love and prayer. You have our hearts with you, where ever you go.
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I don't believe God wants us to just go through the daily motions in life. I believe we were all put here for a reason. For great reasons. Our lives are just a small dot on the grid. Here and gone soon. We can turn any situation we are in into something good. -I believe that with all my heart.

 See the good in people. Love them like He loves you.

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Mark 12:31
The second is this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these.

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Always loving you, Mama

P.s. Here are the pictures I wanted to share of Ashton's 1st tee ball game!
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So proud of him.
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See you around, friends. Hope you are enjoying this day. -Jessie
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There's a world outside your window.


Amy said…
This is so perfect. And I needed this today. <3 you are an inspiration and blessing. Your children are truly beautiful and blessed to have such a loving mommy

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