August 2020!

 Josie's 11th Birthday!



























More August things...
























































 Getting ready for our school year!



























First day of school! August 17th!




















This is a fantastic Grammar program!






 The kids have a Geography Art book. Each week, they draw/paint a picture that has something to do with the country they have learned about. They also have been preparing country-themed meals.













The kids built the Great Wall of China on Minecraft



Making fried rice, egg rolls and Chinese broccoli stir fry for our week studying China










Our books from our week studying China







While we've learned about the different countries of the world, the kids also study the different animals that live there





 There you have it! On to September/October next! 

 Love you all!




















































Amy said…
I can't believe Josie is 11! I love her expressions opening her gifts! <3

I miss that we didn't get to hang out around the fires this summer <3 I miss you all so much!

PS those taco plates are pretty awesome! =D And I love all the ethnic cooking! Love seeing kids learning to cook.
Anonymous said…
very nice
William Brasky said…
This year went by so fast!

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