This is where our story begins

they are growing too fast...

I feel like I am grasping to hold on to quick sand. They're trickling...

I want to hold on to these moments as best as I can. Like the images of Teddy going to the window to wave bye-bye to daddy...

And Josie with those chubby little hands when she fills her mouth with as much as her fist could hold. ...and that face. Oh, that face. I will never forget her sweet baby face either.

and how suddenly Teddy can eat most anything so long as he is on daddy's lap...

We painted yesterday. Like - really, really, really painted. No, we swam in paint. It went like this...

Oh yeah, I'm that mom.

For those of you who are squirming in your seats and wondering...

This is how we got cleaned off.

With each touch of the paint you could tell he'd stare me down and wonder, "is this lady going to stop me?" but oh no... I wasn't. because these moments... these messy, beautiful moments are the kind he will carry with him for the rest of his life. We're the beginning of their life stories. These moments will be played back again and again for as long as they live. ...For as long as we live. How do I want the beginning of their books to sound like one day? Oh, we will try our best to make the beginning of their stories a darn good one.

God Bless. -Jessica


grammakelly said…
Jesse, you are a wonderful mom and the kids will remember these moments always,what fun!!!
Anonymous said…
Jess- I absolutely love your blog. I've known you for years, and yet you still continue to be impressed and inspired by you. You are an awesome mom, and I could only hope to be like you one day. I am way too high strung, but you are absolutely right- they'll remember the good times and how you let them get messy and then throwing them in the tub with clothes on. I really need to be more like you. :)

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