Christmas time

..........'Twas the night before a whole new decade!

Happy new year's eve, everyone!

Our last day of school before the new year we celebrated "Grinch day!"

Mint playdoh

Grinch math and grammar worksheets

Our candy cane experiment

To end our day, we had candy cane shaped pizzas and watched the movie!

Rosie the elf brought a lot of little goodies throughout the month!

Winter wonderland!

Salt dough painting pizza lunch with friends!

Sibling gift exchange!

Cookie baking!

Liam is doing well at Piano lessons!

December co-op -  The kids made "Ugly Christmas sweaters", Rice sock snowmen, Snowglobe ornaments and Gingerbread! After lunch, we watched The Grinch -An interactive movie version and we went to the nursing home to deliver homemade gifts and sing some songs.

Waiting for Christmas is always the best part of Christmas!

Christmas party at bowling

Pokemon at the library!

Pancakes and pajamas! "We look like a hallmark movie"

Christmas with the grandparents!

Molly bunny

Santa cookies!

Christmas eve!

Throwing carrots out for the reindeer


Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Today for New Years Eve, we went to the MOST for their noon years eve party! (thank you Aunt Kim and Uncle Bob!)

Getting ready for midnight! ....Appetizers, Board Games and Hide and seek for us tonight!


See you in 2020 ;)

xoxo, Jessie


William Brasky said…
Best Christmas and New YEars EVer!!!!!!!!!

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