I am thankful

The Return of Hot Chocolate in the Chewbacca Cup.

I am filled with gratitude today.

Lights on the Lake walk thru with our cousin Ally.

My life is rich with love.

I am in love with my husband. I am in love with my children. and I have gained so many wonderful friends this year. ...Love.

Making ornaments for our friends. our family.

Teaching our children to be loving and compassionate human beings is so important to me. I want them to value life and all of those who share this big old earth with us. I want them to be giving.

I remember being a child and gathering all of my art supplies in preparation to create something special for my family and friends. Or breaking open my piggy bank to count every last penny so I could go out and Christmas shop. I remember my lists and really thinking deeply into the thought of what each family member would like. I remember coming home and wrapping everything up while the Christmas music echoed in the background. Safely tucking everything under the tree.

I want them to know what that feels like. and how good a heart can feel sitting in front of a tree with gifts for those you hold so dear to your heart. It is a blessing to have family and friends to celebrate this season with. to love.

Some other things I am thankful for right now -
I am thankful for our home... Our wonderfully lived in home. I am thankful my husband has a job he loves. I am thankful for the friendship him and I share. I am thankful for warm fuzzy socks and boots for the upcoming winter. I am thankful for a healthy pregnancy. I am thankful for you. (that's right you. You reading this right now.... you make me thankful.)

I am thankful for the warmth the oven brings on cold November nights. Warm meals.

and baking cookies with my children.

Messy paint hair

Homemade Oreo cookies... recipe from my favorite cooking blog Smitten Kitchen

Coming to a tree near you:

God bless all of you this Thanksgiving.

We are approaching the greatest month of the whole year!


p.s. 32 days


Amy said…
I love the ornaments....I think I have to make some now ;) Perhaps on black friday instead of shopping....
tammy said…
I am thankful for you too :)

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