Our August in pictures

Highlights of our August in little words -

Cupcakes with cousin Ally

Vacation Bible school!

Meeting Uncle Johnny/Family picnic

(^Not the best picture - but these are my brothers - John, Joel and Jim)

Picnic with some of our church family

(^The bestest friend a girl could have)

Playing "train"

Train bridge/Park play date

Liam turns five months!

Milestones include: Running around in his walker and standing up to the couch!

(^The force is strong with this one)

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa visit from Florida/Art and Judy's 50th Anniversary surprise party

My cousin Kim's wedding

Sweet picture of prayers being said before their granola yogurt breakfast

Playing outside. Enjoying the sun and warmth. ...and photographing.

(^Loving our thriving garden!)

Practice writing with Ashton

Having this happen.

Moving our table out of the kitchen because of it.

Eating here now.

Chittenango Falls with friends

Shopping for tomatoes

Yummy tomatoes.

Fall is sneaking up on us...

Back with a September post soon! I'm hoping to get back into weekly updates as soon as Ashton and Josie start preschool. (Next week).

xoxo, Jessie


Tammy said…
love it Jess....your smarty pants nephew thinks someone needs to take the camera away from you! Don't ever stop taking pictures WE LOVE THEM!!!!! (extra exclamations curtesy of your niece :))

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