Top 10 pictures (and more) from 2012

Continuing my tradition to count down my top 10 favorite photos of the year!

Favorite photos from 2012 -

10. Baby Liam in the belly. Mostly for memory's sake. :)

9. Muddy Kids

8. It's a three way tie! (all taken the same day)
a.) Topsy Josie!

b.) a boy and his worm!

c.) Spring splashes

7. Easter baskets

6. January - still no snow!

5. Spring breeze - makes me feel fineee

4. Bath time for Liam

3. Holding Liam - just seconds old

2. Sibling love

1. Sibling kisses

Honorable Mention- (aka, my excuse to keep posting pictures)


Searching for minnows


Baby on his new quilt


My green bean, munching on a green bean

Baby in his osh kosh

"mama! watch this!" ...Always darlin' girl

Muddy nose

It was hard to just do a top ten this year. Some of these were taken with my simple Sony point and shoot camera. Others, with my Canon Rebel XS. Can you tell which was taken with which? :)

Sharing some of my new years resolutions -
-Invite at least 10 different families over this year for dinner. -Not at the same time of course. ;)
-Acquire a taste for tea. -Next year at this time, I'll be able to name more brands of tea than I can count ;)
-Get myself a handmade leather journal with the thick paper
-Go on our first family bike ride
-Host my tie dye party
-Get a new library card
-Have my first paid photography shoot
-Finally do some canning in the fall
-Go to Borios on a date with my husband! (if you remember, that is where we had our wedding reception! ...We haven't been there since.)
-Be a part of at least 3 different charity walks/events
-Get mine and Joshs eye appointment/dentist appointments caught up
-Go camping
-Read through the Bible using the plan in my green Bible
-More frequent visits to the farmers market again

As I was thinking this all up last night, I asked Josh what his resolutions are for the new year and he simply said -
"To go out on a date with you."


Dear friends,
I hope you have a beautiful new year. I love that God has put you in my life for a reason. I treasure each and every one of you.

Praying for you and 2013.

Thank you for loving me. Oh, how I love you.



tammy said…
* smiling *

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